Well, I'll put out the bad news first. My garden pretty much failed. I went to Dallas for a few days and came home to dead plants. I was so bummed! It even rained while we were gone. Turns out my soil is to blame. So I got a few tomato plants from a good neighbor and bought some more carrot seeds and I'm going in for round two. I mean it was
truly wishful thinking to believe I would be a master gardener my first try.
Apparently all those good minerals and such that are in veggies come from the soil and if your soil is laking (like mine) then you have to add it in. So a couple of trips to Bloomers (my favorite little nursery) later I have 13-13-13 and copperas. Apparently these will make a big difference. Let's hope.

Devon graduated from
Pre-K!! She still has three days of school yet, but it's in the bag. She got to sport her sassy new hair cut (home hair cut) at the completion ceremony. She is so proud. I'm a tad annoyed that this last week consisted of movies and movies. Oh well. The teachers earned a break. The kid can read! And she practices everyday for me AND Matthew. It's adorable. I hope they stay best friends for ever.

Matthew went to his 15 month well check and tipped the scales at 20lbs 9 oz, which puts him in the 5
th percentile. I don't know why, the boy can eat! He's still not into vocabulary but has found every other way to communicate his needs. This includes bringing me my shoes when he wants to go outside and pointing at the toaster when he wants a waffle. Although today while I was giving them a bath I could have sworn he was saying Devon. It sounded like "
DeDon" but in a way that sounded like "
DaDa". So who knows.
In a few weeks I'm going to go on a ride out with Chris, on a Friday night too. Eeek! I went on a ride out once before, but it was about a month before Chris graduated from the academy, so it was with a different officer. I was introduced to East Austin and more specifically, East Riverside. Yow-za! That was a night to remember. But I'm excited to go out with Chris. I get to see him use his serious face. ;)
We've got a month left of this schedule switching crap. But there are a few things I'll miss about Chris's current schedule, him not having to sleep all day, having him awake enough to enjoy all three of his days off because he's not overtired. But I do look forward to having him home so I can cook real meals again. Oh yes, yes. But now that we are starting to get used to this evening stuff, it's going to take a while again to get used to nights. Thanks Chief Ace!! That was a brilliant idea. Not!!