Wednesday, August 25, 2010

Motorcycle Lesson #1

Well, I'm not sure why Chris woke up this morning wanting to teach me about the motorcylce and how to ride it, but he did. Maybe it's because I went ahead and agreed for him to buy his dream mountain bike yesterday.

So we went out to the little parking lot by our neighborhood pool and first he was just showing me how to sit on the bike and then set it down and get off.

Then two trucks came into the parking. Repair men working on the gate and security cameras. Uhg. I wasn't really wanting an audience. But I continued. Next I got to turn the bike on. Ooooooo. That was fun.

Eventually I worked up to putting the bike in first gear and walkng it around the parking lot. Then I started riding with my feet in the air and making figure eights in the parking lot. My audience was impressed and cheered me on. Finally I got the guts to ride with my feet on the steps. At this point, Chris called his parents. He was getting a bit nervous (about the safety of his bike.)

Then Chris told me I was ready for 2nd gear. Inside I was shaking my head no vigorously! But I went ahead. I soon realized the small parking lot was not ideal for learning how to change gears.

I put on my really big, big girl pants and rode out into the neighborhood. After the first circle, I rode back to Chris and was very giggly. Then I went back on the street and practiced changing gears more. This is when I made it up to 35! Woah! It was pretty intense.

Then I rode back to our house and gave Chris a heart attack by riding staight into the garage. Apparently he thought I was going to crash into a wall or the car. Silly husband.

Today was pretty awesome. I believe we will practice more tomorrow, which means hello 3rd gear.


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