Now I have mentioned my obsession with baby/parenting books, well a couple of them mention that sometimes babies will wake up in the middle of the night to practice a new skill they learned. I thought this was the silliest thing. Devon never did that, and I had never heard another mom speak of this phenomenon either.
Well, it turns out that little Matthew fits into this category. When he first found his hands he woke up one night and would not go back to sleep by nursing or with the binky. He just kept slurping on his hand and then he would get excited and kick and squirm. Mind you this was at three o'clock (random moment: o'clock is one of my favorite words!) in the morning. So out of desperation for sleep I scooted him over a few inches so he wouldn't whack me when he got excited, and I turned my body on auto-snooze. This is when I sleep for 5-10 minute spurts and then wake up to glance at Matthew. It's not the best way to get sleep, but it is better than nothing. And by the way, he stayed awake for an hour doing this!
I know what you're thinking, that was a fluke right. Well, last week he woke up one night rocking from side to side trying to roll on his tummy,which he hadn't accomplished yet. (Did you notice that key word there? Yet.) So I did the same thing, scooted him over a few inches, and went on auto-snooze. Except this time, I hadn't been snoozing more than three minutes when all of a sudden Matthew bumped into me. I opened my eyes to see Matthews eyes wide open and a big drooly grin on his face. He had finally done it. He rolled over on his tummy. He was so proud if himself he celebrated with a nice helping of mommy juice and fell back to sleep. Yesssssss.
This reminds me of Chris because he is the type to keep going until he figures something out. Not even a silly little thing like sleep can stop him.