Monday, June 9, 2008

No matter how small

I read a story on MSN about a "miracle baby being born twice." Well, being the baby lover that I am I was naturally drawn to the story. Basically, a woman went to have an ultrasound to find out the sex of her baby and there was a tumor attached to the baby the size of a grapefruit!! She had surgery to have the tumor removed from the baby (the article being politically correct called it a fetus, but I'm not going there). The odds that the baby would survive were less than ten percent. The surgeon cut open the mom then opened the uterus to get to the baby where he took most of the baby out to remove the tumor and then closed everything back up. The baby survived (YEAH!) and ten weeks later was "born again."

Here is the link if you want more details.

This story just blows my mind. Medical technology and knowledge is so grand that we can perform surgery on a baby in the womb! This is simply incredible! And now all I can think of to say is a quote from one of Devon's Dr. Seuss books, "A person is a person, no matter how small." (That's from Horton Hears a Who, thanks Jon and Tina!)

You know many of Dr. Seuss's books have an underlying statement or issue attached to them, such as The Lorax being about deforestation. This starts to make me ponder whether he was trying to touch the issue of child abuse or maybe even abortion. But it is also possible that I have no idea what I am talking about. It's been known to happen from time to time.

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