Well, things have definitely been changing in the Cato house. Matthew has been officially walking more than crawling for about a week now. The trick was figuring out how to get back up by himself when he would fall. Now he has the hugest grin on his face as he toddles around the house. I love it. Now he is also able to explore outside more, because instead of freaking out when he falls in the grass he can just pop back up.
Devon showed me a neat trick. Apparently she can wear Matthew's jacket, which is size 9-12 months. I almost considered starting her on a all pizza diet, but then I was able to come back down the earth and remember the doctor said she was fine. But still, it's a small concern in the back of my mind. Who knew that I (former cabbage patch kid) would have to worry about having a slim kid. This must be from Chris's genes.

Well, Matthew is 13 months old now and we figure with a wet diaper he should be 20 lbs now. So we switched him over to a bigger car seat where he can finally face forward and sit up. At first he wasn't a big fan of it. He doesn't fall asleep as easily now because he isn't tilted back. And his first test drive in it was a five hour trip to East Texas. Great planning on my part, but he has adjusted and seems to enjoy it. The only thing is he looks so very tiny in the big car seat. I can only see the top of his head in my special little review mirror! But he's growing, and pretty soon that won't be an issue.
Chris and I have finally come to an agreement on how to landscape the backyard. All this after a couple of days of lobbying and compromise, and not to mention a few arguments. I can't really explain it too well, so you'll just have to check back for a garden update. We're hoping to get it all together next weekend, which is really next Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday, his current days off. Luckily, we got a $100 gift card for Home Depot from our credit card rewards, so that will help out indeed! Because landscaping and gardening can be pricey. Especially if you want it to look decent. Who knew?
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