Well, the tomato plants my neighbor gave me have really taken off. They are about 4 1/2 feet tall now. And there are lots and lots and lots of yummy tomatoes coming in. My Roma bush has about a dozen green ones and the two pear tomato bushes have about three dozen tomatoes on them. And I have learned a valuable lesson, gardeners need patience. Silly me thought that shortly after a tomato sprouted out on the plant I would get a yummy red tomato. Wrong. It takes about three weeks for them to ripen on the vine. So right now I just have to keep watering and waiting.
I have harvested two Roma tomatoes. They were yummy, but tiny. I haven't figured out why they are so small. I need to google that. The first tomato I chopped up and put in some guacamole, mmmmmh. The second tomato I let Matthew hold, and I toook a picture to show just how tiny it was.
Well, it wasn't but a moment after I handed the tomato to him that he put in in his mouth.
He wasn't a big fan of the green stuff.
So he gave it back to me seeming disappointed.
I took off the leaves and gave it back and he chomped down on half of it.
Then a few seconds later he stuffed the other half in his mouth. Once he was done chewing he started walking towards the back of the yard. He wanted another one. Cute huh? Too bad there wasn't any for him to pick.
I also pulled up one of my baby carrots too because I thought it looked ready.
I'm pretty sure they need a bit more growing to do. But it's getting close. Maybe in a month I'll try again. It was really bizzar. The carrot was bendy like a rubber pencil. So I'm only guessing they need to sit longer. Maybe I should google that too.
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