Tuesday, October 7, 2008

Neighborhood Watch

Well, last week Chris and I went to our subdivisions first neighborhood watch meeting. Only about 6 other households made it to the meeting. Not too impressive. Chris ended up volunteering to be the president of the neighborhood watch, because no one else would. Then three other people were chosen to be block captains, one for each street.

Tonight was National Night Out, and Main Street organized a pool party with hot dogs. Chris and I got some funds and got a huge pinata, put nine pounds of candy/toys in it and bought some door prizes. Oh yeah, we filled up a bunch of water balloons, but there was a cool breeze tonight so that was a bad idea. I didn't anticipate more than ten households to show up. But boy did they surprise me! I would guess about twenty came. It's amazing how many people you can draw with free hot dogs.

Well, Mr. President had to go and get recertified on firearms tonight so I picked up as the First Lady. Now I'm not big on being a go getter. I like to hang back and watch. So it took a little bit for me to sike myself up for being Miss Personality, but I did it. I went and introduced myself to people and got many of them to sign up on the e-mail list.

Then I rounded up the kiddos when the fire department came so they could explore the fire truck. After that I rallied them again to beat the monster pinata we got. I think that was the best part of the whole night. Everyone was gathered around the pinata to watch the kids each have one try to hit it (I didn't think to bring a blindfold) starting with the little ones. It was very fun, even the adults without kids enjoyed watching.

In the end, I was sooooooo pooped. Between carrying Matthew around, meeting and greeting, figuring out how to hang the pinata, rallying kiddos (twice!) I was done for the evening. I packed the car back up and we headed home. It was 7:30 when we got back so Devon did not get a bath (she can just be the stinky girl in class tomorrow) and neither did Matthew. I got Devon ready for bed and then Matthew.

And after all that, do you know what I did? I googled "neighborhood watch" and found lots of pdf's about starting and maintaining them. I'm such a nerd, or better yet a research junkie. The best job I ever had was being a research assistant at SFA, and if I could still get paid to do the same thing now, even though I'm not a student, I definitely would.

1 comment:

Robert said...

Our neighborhood had some National Night Out banners out, but they didn't really explain what it was and where to meet. So I didn't participate in it. Maybe the same happened in your neighborhood?