I have a few personal problems with bagel bites. One they are on white bagels, which to me have no flavor. Two they are chewy whether you bake them or zap them in the microwave. Third, I'm not too sure about the cheese they use. I prefer 2% and since it is more expensive I doubt they use it. And fourth, they are pricey!
So of course I set out to create my own version with more nutrition and taste. Well, let me tell you, they are a cinch to make and have become the current must have food in our house. They are eaten for snacks, I put them in Devon's lunch, and Chris and I have had them for our lunch.
For the basic bagel bite replica, all you need it mini bagels (I used whole wheat of course), pizza sauce (or spaghetti if you run out from popular demand!) and shredded mozzarella cheese (I use 2%). But of course you can get fancy and put veggies on it, pepperoni, whatever floats your boat. Pop it in the oven at 350 F for about 10 minutes.
So I'm done talking about bagels now, go make some of your own. You'll be hooked.
1 comment:
yum! i'm interested! i love love LOOOOVE bagel bites, but yes...i have the same issues you do...especially the fact that they are sooooo bad for you! i'm gonna try it! i'll let you know how it goes. =)
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