Wednesday, July 13, 2011


Well, it's mid July, we are on day number 30 for temperature over 100 and summer is just dragging along for us. Chris and I are trying our best to conserve money in an effort to eliminate our debt soon, so we haven't been doing summer attraction type activities like the zoo, Dino park, museums, water parks or amusement parks.

We have managed to go on our first family camping trip. In June we packed up the car and headed to Galveston Island State Park and did a one night stay at a bay side camp sight. We were able to play on the beach, check out the strand and we stopped by the Battleship Texas and the San Jacinto Monument. Our Texas Parks Pass made the trip a bit more affordable because we didn't even have to pay the entry fee at the Battleship Texas. Cool huh?

About four days of our week are spent in a mundane way. We get up and play, clean or go to church where I work two days a week. Then we have lunch, nap or quiet time and then Devon spends two hours doing her eye patch (pirate) therapy. By the time she is done, it is time to cook dinner. And that's our day, exhilarating right?

Now that I think about it, we do go to the library once a week and load up with about 40 books a trip. And we have made a few trips to our neighborhood pool so far this summer. I suppose we could be considerably worse off. So I think I will find a way to refresh our days by refreshing my attitude.

Boy, I just got told........ by myself. Nice.

First Sermon

Well, I've written my first sermon for worship. I finished it Monday, let it rest yesterday and practiced it a few times today. It's not the most profound message that's ever been said. It's not the most theologically stimulating message either. What it is, is God inspired and from my heart. It's far from perfect, but it's what I felt called to say.

And now I'm just waiting, a bit anxiously of course, but I'm still just waiting until Sunday. I've had just enough encouragement from friends and family to know that I can do it and be proud of it. I've even had reassurance that if I screw up majorly I'll still get another chance to preach again. That was truly refreshing and nearly eliminated all my fear.

So here's to Sunday!