Wednesday, August 27, 2008


Today while I was waiting outside of Devon's classroom with her, waiting for the bell to ring I saw two little boys picking on this little boy, we'll call him C. They were teasing him and calling him stupid. There were two other moms right next to them, but just standing there. When one of them hit C (not hard of course, but that's not the point) I walked over to them and confronted them. It was obvious that they knew they were not being nice and not doing what they should be doing, because as soon as I was over there and started talking to them they put there heads down and avoided eye contact. So I told them to leave C alone because he didn't want to be bothered right now and tried to change the conversation to breakfast. I asked them what they ate and one said toast. I asked "With jelly?" He said "No, they don't have jelly." And that caused the two boys to start talking about something else, so I walked back to the end of the line of students where we were originally standing.

Then I saw them bothering C again. This time I told Devon to come with me and we stood right next to them until the bell rang. Poor little C was sitting on the ground indian style facing the wall, crying. I tried to talk to him, but it was pretty obvious he didn't want to so I just rubbed his back and told him I was going to stay with him. Then the teacher opened the door to let the kids in and I told the little boys to get up and get into the room so they couldn't bother him anymore, well at least for the moment.

I walk Devon and C into class and Devon goes right off to put her backpack up and so does C. I ask the teachers assistant if she knew where C's mother taught, because I had seen her the last couple of days and noticed that she had a school employee badge. Then I dashed to the classroom because it was two minutes until the bell was about to ring and told her that C had a tough time this morning because two little boys had been picking on him and left because I knew she had to get class started. She seemed to appreciate the news.

This whole situation made me MAD! First of all, it's only the third day of school and this poor little four year old is getting picked on by two little boys feeding off of each other. Where do these kids learn to call each other stupid. Devon is four and has never had the urge to call someone a name, much less stupid. And I don't want to hear that boys will be boys, because that is CRAP! Boys will be what you let them be and just because they happen to be boys doesn't mean they have the excuse to behave like turds.

I gotta get going, but there are a couple of positives from this situation. C hopefully now knows that it is not ok for him to be treated like that because someone stood up for him. And Devon hopefully learned that it is ok to if not absolutely necessary to stand up for those who aren't being treated nicely. Actions speak louder than words!

Tuesday, August 26, 2008

Yum Yum!

So I'm sure you are all just dying to know if I went through with my previous blog and made Devon a cute healthy lunch. Here it is!

That's what I'm talking about! We've got some rotisserie chicken lunch meat, whole wheat crackers, grapes and black berries, and clementines. I know what you're thinking, "Where's the dairy and veggie?" Well, Devon isn't big on raw veggies so tomorrow I will put in some cooked carrots in there. I just didn't have time to cook some. And the next time I go to the store I'm going to grab a small container for her to bring milk in.

But isn't that CUTE! I just love it. All it consists of is a small tupperware container and silicon cup cake holders. Something I didn't mention before is that this is also a great way to have a waste free lunch for all you environmental gurus out there. What's not to love? So go on, tell how awesome this is.....

Monday, August 25, 2008

What's for Lunch?

Here's to my new found devotion to being healthy! I've mentioned before that Austin is a pretty big hippy city, filled with health nuts of all kinds. When we first moved here, I had an odd encounter with a extreme health nut at a park. I was sitting with Devon eating some grapes and a sweet little boy was begging with his eyes. So I asked if he wanted a grape, so I gave him one and he went back to playing. His mom saw him take the grape and stormed over to me and asked, "Was that an organic grape?" I was pretty baffled and said no. She flipped! Claiming that people in Austin have a higher standard for their children. I thought this was outrageously hilarious (and still do). However, now after consuming many articles, books and advice (from sane people) I can see why she would want organic for her boy. But come on, one grape isn't going to send his pure body into toxic shock.

I know what you may be thinking, "Hey Michelle, lover of Taco Bell. You want to be a health nut?" Alas, it is true. Thanks to some inspiration by some awesome friends I have in my Sunday School class, I do want to live a more simpler and healthy life, and I especially want the same for my children. (I'm still getting used to the plural form of that word. Hard to believe I have two now.)

My class is called the Honeymooners and it's filled with mom's and mom's to be (and dad's too). They are indeed the greatest examples for me on my quest to health nut central. Recently I was introduced to this insanely cute way to pack healthy lunches for school using laptop lunches/bentos. Click here for some examples. I don't feel like explaining it, so just to take a quick peek. Beware if you have kids you may get hooked!

So since my thoughts are consumed with how to make cute healthy lunches for Devon, while we were at the library I got a few books with good recipes for healthy stuff to make for her as well as some books with baby food recipes. Yep I have been making his food too. :) I Found this book I absolutely LOVE! It's called Lunch Lessons: Changing the Way We Feed Our Children. Not only did it have great recipes, it has a ton of info about nutrition for kids. Above all I love the facts it slips in about the food we (as in Americans) eat, like McDonalds. For example:
  • A chicken McNugget may be white meat, but it is mashed up with over 50 chemicals and additives.
  • McDonalds french fries have very little in common with a potato. They contain more than 10 ingredients, including flavoring that comes from a beef source and trans fat, sugar and salt.
  • In 2000, government agencies spent about $48 million to promote nutrition and health for kids, but McDonalds spent 14 times that amount - $665 million - to advertise its food.

So that's that. Hmmmm I think I see the number of happy meals in Devon's future dwindling.

Friday, August 1, 2008

Beautiful Messages

So the other day Chris told me something spontaneously cute that Devon had said while I was sleeping in (until 8:15 in the morning!). He said Devon was at the kitchen table eating breakfast when she just said, "God is in everything. But he's not in my cereal." After I finished laughing, because let's face it that's pretty random, even for Devon, I felt like this "message" spoke to me.

I often feel envious of the folks of the new testament times, where Jesus spoke to people (after the resurrection) and even appeared to them. It seemed to happen often and sometimes I wish he would just plop down on the couch and chat with me. But then I look back at what Devon said. She is four and yet is capable of understanding this very simple and incredible truth that God is in everything.

I can't help but wonder that perhaps it is still possible to have such interactions with God as I so long for. The only thing interfering with this wish is life. It is so easy to be consumed by it. Constantly fretting over what needs to be done today, tomorrow, what are we having for dinner, did I take the trash out, where did I put that receipt, I think it's time to get the oil changed......... It just goes on and on. Our minds are overloaded with clutter about clutter. But Devon who is so lucky to be four hasn't been consumed by all that life throws at you. She is capable of being still and keeping a clear mind for receiving beautiful messages.

I can't help but wonder if perhaps God uses our precious little ones to send us messages that we are no longer capable of receiving. I'll tell you this, I felt compelled to simplify my life to be mindful of what is really important during the day. Do I do it all the time now? No way! But, I do what I can and keep trying when I fail. I am constantly feeling like I need to slow down and enjoy the little things, and often I do. When all is quiet I feel the urge to simply live.