Well, this has just been a blog writing kinda week, hasn't it?
Since Matthew began crawling around to follow me he has always been excited when I open the refrigerator. I suppose the big bright light and colorful bottles and such are very attractive to an infant.
On the bottom shelf on the door are two water bottles and a jar of pickles for sandwiches/hamburgers. This jar of pickles was like the pot of gold at the end of the rainbow for Matthew. As soon as he hears me open the refrigerator door he comes racing over and reaches for the pickle jar. Today was no different. I was getting dinner ready (homemade chili!) and I reached in the fridge for garlic, and of course Matthew came rushing over. Well, I didn't get the door shut in time and Matthew was able to once again grab at the jar of pickles. This time, he was successful at knocking it over and when he knocked it over the lid came off with it!
This was extreme excitement for him. He instantly tried to splash in the pickle juice. So I grab him away from the pickle juice spilling everywhere, with the garlic still in my hands and I plop the garlic on the counter and then set Matthew down in the living room. I grab a few hand towels and start cleaning the mess. All the while, I hear Matthew squealing in excitement and rushing back in the kitchen. Chris jumps up to grab him and gets him just in time.
Silly boy. So after a couple of months of grabbing at the pickle jar it apparently slowly loosened the lid. At least that's my explanation, because we honestly haven't used those pickles in a while. Matthew has been the only one to touch them. He's such a nut. So now, after nine months of life, Matthew has a nickname that may or may not last a lifetime. We'll see how long it sticks. But for now, we are definitely calling him Pickles. It's only fare, my parents call Devon Puddin', but she doesn't have a funny story to explain it though.
Everyone says it, and now I'm joining in the chorus that "Boys are definitely different!" I can't help feeling like this may be some sort of "payback" from Chris's childhood, but then that doesn't seem fair because I'm the main one chasing after him. Oh well. I wouldn't trade my little mischievous boy for anything!
Friday, November 21, 2008
Thursday, November 20, 2008
Get Ready!
Well, when Devon first started school I wrote an ode to Mrs. Hygh her teacher. And let me tell you she has lived up to expectations!
Devon got her second report card and is doing excellent. She has improved on her two N's (needs improvement) from the first six weeks. She is also proficient in over half of the curriculum now. But that is not the good news. The good news is that she is ready to start reading!!!!!!!!!! I was so excited to see that little note from her teacher. I've been waiting for this for so long. I tried working with her this summer, but she wasn't into it so I put it aside because I wanted to wait until she was ready. So now I have the green light!
Last night I let her pick a book and asked her of she wanted to help me read it. She looked a little confused but still said yes. I told her to look for the words "I" and "A" and to help me read them. She jumped right on that like a dog on a bone. It was so fun.
I'm going to try adding a new word every other day for her to "help me read" and just go at her pace. As much as I've been longing for this, I don't want to make it feel like a chore. It's just another way for us to have something special to do together and I'm so happy it's finally time.
Devon got her second report card and is doing excellent. She has improved on her two N's (needs improvement) from the first six weeks. She is also proficient in over half of the curriculum now. But that is not the good news. The good news is that she is ready to start reading!!!!!!!!!! I was so excited to see that little note from her teacher. I've been waiting for this for so long. I tried working with her this summer, but she wasn't into it so I put it aside because I wanted to wait until she was ready. So now I have the green light!
Last night I let her pick a book and asked her of she wanted to help me read it. She looked a little confused but still said yes. I told her to look for the words "I" and "A" and to help me read them. She jumped right on that like a dog on a bone. It was so fun.
I'm going to try adding a new word every other day for her to "help me read" and just go at her pace. As much as I've been longing for this, I don't want to make it feel like a chore. It's just another way for us to have something special to do together and I'm so happy it's finally time.
9 Months!!!
So Matthew is now 9 months old! And he is quickly becoming quite a busy little boy. He's a speed crawler, he loves pulling up on anything within reach, and has recently become a fan of rearranging the chairs in the kitchen by pushing them like a walker.
He is such a happy go lucky kid. It's amazing. He has stayed in the church nursery twice for an hour and has done just fine. He's just so much fun. He's starting to enjoy playing games like pass the toy back and forth, and of course the gravity game. Good thing he has a patient big sister to continue picking up the toys he drops to keep the game going as long as he wants. He gives kisses and is starting to wave.
I took him to his 9 month check up today and he's doing just great. His weight did drop down a pound, but his doctor wasn't too concerned (but I was). We just need to vamp up his calorie intake. I've been given permission to let him try eggs (most of the time you wait until they are 12 months), because those pack some serious calories.
He's been a little bit of a picky eater, not a good sign for a 9 month old. He just isn't wild about pureed food. Most of the time I have to put a Gerber fruit or veggie puff on the spoon with the food for him to eat it. He wants the real stuff. He loves bits of banana, pinto beans, bread, pumpkin, sweet potato bits, yogurt and will eat anything dipped in spaghetti sauce, especially beans.
I'm really hoping that giving him enough food will also help with him waking up so often at night, because he won't be hungry. That's the theory, let's hope it works.
He is such a happy go lucky kid. It's amazing. He has stayed in the church nursery twice for an hour and has done just fine. He's just so much fun. He's starting to enjoy playing games like pass the toy back and forth, and of course the gravity game. Good thing he has a patient big sister to continue picking up the toys he drops to keep the game going as long as he wants. He gives kisses and is starting to wave.
I took him to his 9 month check up today and he's doing just great. His weight did drop down a pound, but his doctor wasn't too concerned (but I was). We just need to vamp up his calorie intake. I've been given permission to let him try eggs (most of the time you wait until they are 12 months), because those pack some serious calories.
He's been a little bit of a picky eater, not a good sign for a 9 month old. He just isn't wild about pureed food. Most of the time I have to put a Gerber fruit or veggie puff on the spoon with the food for him to eat it. He wants the real stuff. He loves bits of banana, pinto beans, bread, pumpkin, sweet potato bits, yogurt and will eat anything dipped in spaghetti sauce, especially beans.
I'm really hoping that giving him enough food will also help with him waking up so often at night, because he won't be hungry. That's the theory, let's hope it works.
Wednesday, November 19, 2008
"Cake or Death!"
Haha. It's always good to start a blog with an Eddie Izzard quote!

Well, the last three years I have been wanting to make Devon's birthday cake myself, instead of buying the heavily sugared and not so creative ones from the store. But obviously that never happened for various reasons. So I began looking at cake websites online a few days ago to get some ideas when I came across a dinosaur cake! It gets even better though. I actually didn't look difficult to replicate.
Tuesday night we had a Neighborhood Watch meeting and I used that as an excuse to make a cake and practice creating a dinosaur. Of course I just bought a box of Betty Crocker mix, my main objective was to shape a cake. And here's what I created.
I know. It looks more like a turtle than a dinosaur, but I did learn a lot from this experience. First, when you try to frost the inner part of cake it crumbles, which is incredibly irritating. Second, once you frost the head of the dinosaur it is too heavy to stand up. More irritation. Third, it's definitely going to need some candy decorations to look like a dinosaur and not a turtle. Some spikes to transform it into a stegosaurus should work well.
I am definitely going to try this out one more time before his birthday. Now I need to figure out what to make Devon. I saw a very cute way to make the very hungry caterpillar using a couple of cut up bunt cakes, but I'm still open to ideas. If I can figure out how to make a Magic Treehouse cake that would be AWESOME!! Since that is more than likely going to be her birthday theme.
Monday, November 17, 2008
The End Is Near
As most of you know, I'm a big advocate for breastfeeding. Even though I'm broken and can only feed on one side. I wanted to go the full recommended 12 months with Devon but only made it to 9 months because I got thrush and Devon weaned herself. I was pretty bummed.
Then Matthew came along and hasn't really had any issues like Devon, so I have been really hopeful about making it all the way to 12 months. Well, here comes a hurdle and boy is it a whopper. I seem to be producing less milk. So I run to the health food store and grab some good ol' Fenugreek. It helps a little but not enough to relish the side effects.
Matthew nurses every two hours, which is no big deal, I'm used to it and I understand that it is because I can only nurse on one side. It's been this way since we brought him home from the hospital. He would still sleep really well at night, having a first sleep stretch last anywhere from 5 to 9 hours. But the last few weeks, he wakes up every two to three hours at night to nurse. Uhg!
At first it wasn't too bad, but now I am really starting to be effected by this. I'm constantly tired and I'm pretty grumpy throughout the day. Not good for the family. Not good for me. So the idea of giving him a bottle of formula keeps being thrown at me and I really tried to resist. But my well-being is continuing to dwindle and I don't want to be a grumpy Mom or grumpy wife for three more months.
Today I tried to give him a bottle right before his afternoon nap. After twenty minutes of resistance by Matthew I was pooped and caved into nursing him (actually us) to sleep. Then tonight I tried again to give him a bottle to put him down. Still lovingly holding him close and rocking him, but still he resisted. He finally just passed out without drinking anything.
So now I am consumed with guilt. I feel like I just starved the kid and it just doesn't feel right to wean him while he's kicking and screaming (literally). What's a mom to do (*sob*)?
Then Matthew came along and hasn't really had any issues like Devon, so I have been really hopeful about making it all the way to 12 months. Well, here comes a hurdle and boy is it a whopper. I seem to be producing less milk. So I run to the health food store and grab some good ol' Fenugreek. It helps a little but not enough to relish the side effects.
Matthew nurses every two hours, which is no big deal, I'm used to it and I understand that it is because I can only nurse on one side. It's been this way since we brought him home from the hospital. He would still sleep really well at night, having a first sleep stretch last anywhere from 5 to 9 hours. But the last few weeks, he wakes up every two to three hours at night to nurse. Uhg!
At first it wasn't too bad, but now I am really starting to be effected by this. I'm constantly tired and I'm pretty grumpy throughout the day. Not good for the family. Not good for me. So the idea of giving him a bottle of formula keeps being thrown at me and I really tried to resist. But my well-being is continuing to dwindle and I don't want to be a grumpy Mom or grumpy wife for three more months.
Today I tried to give him a bottle right before his afternoon nap. After twenty minutes of resistance by Matthew I was pooped and caved into nursing him (actually us) to sleep. Then tonight I tried again to give him a bottle to put him down. Still lovingly holding him close and rocking him, but still he resisted. He finally just passed out without drinking anything.
So now I am consumed with guilt. I feel like I just starved the kid and it just doesn't feel right to wean him while he's kicking and screaming (literally). What's a mom to do (*sob*)?
Saturday, November 15, 2008
Bed Time Schmed Time
Well, today was exciting! It was very chilly and it was a Saturday which means Farmers Market day, Hooray!! My favorite. We get out there and it is so windy that most of the vendors took down their canopies, but I wasn't worried because we were all bundled up.
Matthew had on two pairs of socks, sweat pants (that are huge on him!), a onesie, a sweatshirt, a beanie, and he was snugglied to me with a blanket over him. We were warm. Devon was sporting her new coat I bought on Friday while she was in school. I'm so proud of myself for paying attention to the weather forecast and snagging a coat before they were all gone.
So we walked around and got the veggies we will need for next weeks meals and had some lunch. Then we headed over to the library for new kid books and cook books. I'm two pages away from starting on spiral number three for all my recipes. Then back to home. It was almost one by the time we got home and we were all pretty pooped. I made some grilled cheese, since we ate lunch at 10:30 like Devon is used to doing at school and then Matthew was ready for his afternoon nap.
I popped in Cars and we all snuggled on the couch. Matthew was the first one asleep, nursing knocks him out quick when he's tired, then me and at some point Devon even fell asleep. It was cute! I woke up at the end of the movie to both my sweeties sleeping on me. It was heaven. But I knew I would have to wake them up. It was 4:15 and if they nap too late, then they won't got to bed. So we woke up and then went to wake up Chris.
Tonight I went out on a limb and made something I wasn't sure Devon would like at all. I made crunchy chicken and blackbean tacos. Turns out if you put anything in a crunchy taco shell, Devon will eat it eagerly!! I'll store that bit of info for future meals. Every bite she took, she dramatically mmmhed. It was great.
So now, it is 8:30 and while I should be having quiet Mommy time, Devon is now hanging out in the living room reading her knew library books because she is not tired. Big surprise there! So I'm going to join her on the couch and read her the new books until 9:00 and then I will have to put my foot down for bed time. It's ok to fudge the rules from time to time, it's all for the love of reading!
Matthew had on two pairs of socks, sweat pants (that are huge on him!), a onesie, a sweatshirt, a beanie, and he was snugglied to me with a blanket over him. We were warm. Devon was sporting her new coat I bought on Friday while she was in school. I'm so proud of myself for paying attention to the weather forecast and snagging a coat before they were all gone.
So we walked around and got the veggies we will need for next weeks meals and had some lunch. Then we headed over to the library for new kid books and cook books. I'm two pages away from starting on spiral number three for all my recipes. Then back to home. It was almost one by the time we got home and we were all pretty pooped. I made some grilled cheese, since we ate lunch at 10:30 like Devon is used to doing at school and then Matthew was ready for his afternoon nap.
I popped in Cars and we all snuggled on the couch. Matthew was the first one asleep, nursing knocks him out quick when he's tired, then me and at some point Devon even fell asleep. It was cute! I woke up at the end of the movie to both my sweeties sleeping on me. It was heaven. But I knew I would have to wake them up. It was 4:15 and if they nap too late, then they won't got to bed. So we woke up and then went to wake up Chris.
Tonight I went out on a limb and made something I wasn't sure Devon would like at all. I made crunchy chicken and blackbean tacos. Turns out if you put anything in a crunchy taco shell, Devon will eat it eagerly!! I'll store that bit of info for future meals. Every bite she took, she dramatically mmmhed. It was great.
So now, it is 8:30 and while I should be having quiet Mommy time, Devon is now hanging out in the living room reading her knew library books because she is not tired. Big surprise there! So I'm going to join her on the couch and read her the new books until 9:00 and then I will have to put my foot down for bed time. It's ok to fudge the rules from time to time, it's all for the love of reading!
Friday, November 7, 2008
Granola! I Love You!
Today was a good day for baking. It was cool enough outside to leave the backdoor open with the screen shut so the oven wouldn't heat up the down stairs.
But before my baking fun began, I went to Sun Harvest, which is like a mini Central Market, to grab some Fenugreek and check out the bulk bins. Boy did I hit the jackpot! Well, that's exaggerating a bit, I just happened to find a few items that central market didn't carry in bulk. I snagged a mother-load of organic rolled oats, some barley (for baby food), sliced almonds (mmmmmm) and lots of wheat germ. The wheat germ was definitely the best buy. I got about one and a half times as much as you get at the grocery store for about $4 for only $0.55!! Woot!! Sorry I get excited about bargains. It runs in the family......
So back to the granola. I got the idea a couple of days ago to make my own granola bars when I realized I would have to go back to the grocery store to get more for Chris because he is working seven days straight this week and I didn't buy enough during my last grocery visit. So I went to one of my favorite recipe websites (http://www.allrecipe.com/) and browsed about the different ways to make it.
It really isn't as complicated as it sounds. You just mix everything up and slap it in a baking pan. I don't know why I assume most things would be more difficult to make from scratch. Perhaps the food industry has something to do with it. Have you seen the commercial stating that peeling a potato is hard work??? It takes like five minutes to peel enough potatoes for mashed potatoes! Slimey corporations.... Sorry. Tangent.
So yeah. I did it. I made my own granola bars and they're pretty yummy. They turned out a little crispy for my taste, but that's my fault for not checking on them. Mine are flavored with honey, craisins and almond slices. Oh boy, tastey and healthy! Don't you just want to grab one?
Wednesday, November 5, 2008
Obamanos McCain
Last night I got less than five hours of sleep. Despite this, I feel rested and I'm in a great mood. Matthew was having trouble getting to sleep because tooth number two is starting to emerge, so he went to bed three hours later than normal at 10:45. I didn't mind too much because I was glued to the tv all night watching America make me proud.
I was truly concerned over the possibility that Obama would not win due to ignorance or fear of having a black president. I am truly in awe of what has happened. I feel like the enormity of this has not been realized. Obama has fulfilled the dream of millions. His governmental changes may never have the impact that this one accomplishment will have on our future. Our children will grow up with a hero who beat the odds, who broke the divide and who will (I hope) revitalize America's passion for fulfilling dreams.
Now I know I have done my share of razzing McCain, but you've got to give the man credit too. He is also responsible for bringing out people's passion to vote. Reawakening our value on the power of democracy. Obama gets most of the credit though (wink!). Go ahead America, stand up and celebrate!! Change is coming and I'm not talking about policy.
I was truly concerned over the possibility that Obama would not win due to ignorance or fear of having a black president. I am truly in awe of what has happened. I feel like the enormity of this has not been realized. Obama has fulfilled the dream of millions. His governmental changes may never have the impact that this one accomplishment will have on our future. Our children will grow up with a hero who beat the odds, who broke the divide and who will (I hope) revitalize America's passion for fulfilling dreams.
Now I know I have done my share of razzing McCain, but you've got to give the man credit too. He is also responsible for bringing out people's passion to vote. Reawakening our value on the power of democracy. Obama gets most of the credit though (wink!). Go ahead America, stand up and celebrate!! Change is coming and I'm not talking about policy.
Tuesday, November 4, 2008
Bi-Yearly Illness
Well, this weekend I was sick as a dog. I haven't been sick for just about two years, so I suppose in the grand scheme of things that's not too bad. I was pretty miserable though. And as Chris loves to remind me when I'm sick, "Misery loves company, but you're driving me crazy so go to your room!" Yeah I was quarantined to my room so I wouldn't spread the disease.
It started Thursday of last week. I had a bit of a sore throat, but nothing horrendous, little did I know that was just the beginning. Friday, it's much worse. So I try to be proactive and go to the doctor to get some meds early before this gets too serious. However, there is no help with the medical profession, because it's a virus and there's not a damn thing I can do about it. Grrrrrrr.
Friday night I try my darnedest to suck it up, so I don't spoil Halloween. Devon and Matthew get all cuted up but I stayed in my pajama's. Chris took Devon trick or treating in our neighborhood and Matthew kept me company at the front door to pass out candy, which I had never done before. As the night grew later, I started getting worse and worse. To the point where I specifically remember telling Chris, with tears in my eyes, "I don't want to be sick anymore."
I don't know what happened, but my body was literally body slammed by the virus. I was sweating, then shivering, and I could feel my throat swelling up. My body felt like it was bruised on the inside, it hurt so much. Misery.
Saturday, the body aches were considerably better, but all the other symptoms were there. Sunday my main problem was my throat and the same goes for Monday. The whole weekend just flew by and I kept getting confused as to what day it was. Chris was a real trooper taking care of the kids, you know keeping them happy and bringing Matthew to me when he was hungry.
I don't remember a lot, but here are a few random memories that did stick.
It started Thursday of last week. I had a bit of a sore throat, but nothing horrendous, little did I know that was just the beginning. Friday, it's much worse. So I try to be proactive and go to the doctor to get some meds early before this gets too serious. However, there is no help with the medical profession, because it's a virus and there's not a damn thing I can do about it. Grrrrrrr.
Friday night I try my darnedest to suck it up, so I don't spoil Halloween. Devon and Matthew get all cuted up but I stayed in my pajama's. Chris took Devon trick or treating in our neighborhood and Matthew kept me company at the front door to pass out candy, which I had never done before. As the night grew later, I started getting worse and worse. To the point where I specifically remember telling Chris, with tears in my eyes, "I don't want to be sick anymore."
I don't know what happened, but my body was literally body slammed by the virus. I was sweating, then shivering, and I could feel my throat swelling up. My body felt like it was bruised on the inside, it hurt so much. Misery.
Saturday, the body aches were considerably better, but all the other symptoms were there. Sunday my main problem was my throat and the same goes for Monday. The whole weekend just flew by and I kept getting confused as to what day it was. Chris was a real trooper taking care of the kids, you know keeping them happy and bringing Matthew to me when he was hungry.
I don't remember a lot, but here are a few random memories that did stick.
- Chris baked a cake.
- Matthew came tapping at the bedroom door all by himself. (ADORABLE!!)
- I watched some episodes of Dexter.
- I slammed down some serious OJ.
- Oh yeah, and looking at my throat in the mirror with a flashlight.
Five days later, my throat still hurts. It hurts to talk, eat, and drink, even to swallow my own saliva. But I don't feel nearly as bad as I did, so there's the good news.
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