Friday, March 27, 2009

The Mind of a Five Year Old

So today as we, Devon, Matthew and I, were walking back from checking the mail Devon noticed that her shadow was almost as big as mine. This triggered her to tell me this and then she added that when she is as big as me she will be a grown up too. So I saw this as a fun opportunity to ask some questions to peek inside her mind. So here was our conversation.

Devon: "When I'm as big as you I'll be an adult too."
Me: "Oh yeah. What will you do then?"
Devon: "I'll do lots of things."
Me: "Like what?"
Devon: "I'm going to take care of kids and be a good mommy like you."
Me: "And how many kids are you going to have?"
Devon: "Eighteen."
Me: "Wow! That's a lot. How will you take care of them all?"
Devon: (thinks for a minute) "I think I'll just have two like you then."

It seems simple, but I got a real kick out of it. Especially because when she answered "Eighteen" is was in the most nonchalant way possible. Like everyone has eighteen kids. I thought it was hilarious.

She's a hoot. Today I was listening to her while she was playing with her toys and they were searching for the last golden ticket, in a barn. I thought this was hilarious because a little over a week ago we finished reading "Charlotte's Web" for one of her bedtime stories. And now, if you could tell, we are reading "Charlie and the Chocolate Factory." She was combining the two stories together. Very amusing.

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