Tuesday, July 22, 2008

Resurrecting the Old Me

So I'm sure none of you can deny that having kids changes you, as well as being married. Unfortunately, it has created some changes in me that are not so good. I have been suffering from post-partum depression. Yep, I'm ready to admit it to the world. (Obviously.) This means I get the opportunity to sit down with a really rad counselor and talk about me, me, me, and sometimes the family.

We, meaning Chris and I, were a little concerned that just counseling would not be enough and that I would need to get on medication. But this would mean I could no longer breastfeed Matthew. Lots of tears were shed over that possibility, let me tell you. Luckily, just having therapy is making a considerable difference. I am started to think and act like I did five years ago. Don't be so scared, I do remember what I was like five years ago and I assure you, I am merely speaking of my more personable characteristics, such as my since of humor, and love of having "moments" with strangers.

For example, Tuesday afternoon I found myself literally struggling to hold my tongue in the waiting room. I so desperately wanted to lean over towards the only other person there waiting and say, "So. What are you in for?" This was a man, who seemed to send off a big "I'm really into myself, and take myself too seriously" vibe. But I managed to refrain and just worked on my sudoku puzzles. It was really tough though.

I'm sure you're thinking, "Michelle! What a horrible thing to do. How immature?" And to that I say, BINGO! Now I KNOW therapy is working. :)

1 comment:

Nicole Vonette said...

Honey it happens to the best people in this world... you are right admissio is liberating and is the first step... I had counseling I had it from day one at Jasmine's birth... and it lasted about a year... Steven had to quit his job and stay with her... for Jordan it was an entire day before I evenheld him or even knew he was a he... Fortunatly I had counseling and got over it sooner then the last... Time for mommy and daddy is key... start with 5 min. of cuddle a day and make a goal chart and make dates... for dinner... for bedtime movie after kiddo's are down... I love you... Sorry for the lengthy comment... I just feel your pain... OOH it might run in the family... since you are my sister... I knew we had alot in common... your great and will beat this...