Friday, April 3, 2009

Big Boy Talkin'

Well, Matthew is definitely not holding back in his quest to be big. I always think that he tries to "make up" for being so small. His doctor even told me after he was born that we may need to consider his gestational age, meaning how old he would be if he had been born three weeks later, when looking at milestones. So since then I have been subconsciously not expecting him to do things on time, much less early. Well, I'm done with that. He has been doing great in terms of development, and always has been. So now I'm ready to start bragging about my boy.

The past couple of months he has been using many words and phrases, but not on command. He says "all done" but not always in context, he says "bite" and one of my favorites is when he says "yes" because I have never met a toddler who said yes before no. No holds so much more power. This morning I asked Matthew, "Are you ready to go bye bye?" when it was time to take Devon to school and he said "yes" and started walking toward the door. It was awesome.

Let's see, he also says "dada" and "mama." And Mama is finally being used more frequently. Today he started saying "cat" but if he is saying it in an excited state, like when he's chasing the cat he says, "tat tat tat!" It's adorable. And he started trying to click his tongue to call Xander to him like we do. So cute!

So that's all I can think of. Time to feed him snack number two. And it's only 9:40am!

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