Friday, November 21, 2008


Well, this has just been a blog writing kinda week, hasn't it?

Since Matthew began crawling around to follow me he has always been excited when I open the refrigerator. I suppose the big bright light and colorful bottles and such are very attractive to an infant.

On the bottom shelf on the door are two water bottles and a jar of pickles for sandwiches/hamburgers. This jar of pickles was like the pot of gold at the end of the rainbow for Matthew. As soon as he hears me open the refrigerator door he comes racing over and reaches for the pickle jar. Today was no different. I was getting dinner ready (homemade chili!) and I reached in the fridge for garlic, and of course Matthew came rushing over. Well, I didn't get the door shut in time and Matthew was able to once again grab at the jar of pickles. This time, he was successful at knocking it over and when he knocked it over the lid came off with it!

This was extreme excitement for him. He instantly tried to splash in the pickle juice. So I grab him away from the pickle juice spilling everywhere, with the garlic still in my hands and I plop the garlic on the counter and then set Matthew down in the living room. I grab a few hand towels and start cleaning the mess. All the while, I hear Matthew squealing in excitement and rushing back in the kitchen. Chris jumps up to grab him and gets him just in time.

Silly boy. So after a couple of months of grabbing at the pickle jar it apparently slowly loosened the lid. At least that's my explanation, because we honestly haven't used those pickles in a while. Matthew has been the only one to touch them. He's such a nut. So now, after nine months of life, Matthew has a nickname that may or may not last a lifetime. We'll see how long it sticks. But for now, we are definitely calling him Pickles. It's only fare, my parents call Devon Puddin', but she doesn't have a funny story to explain it though.

Everyone says it, and now I'm joining in the chorus that "Boys are definitely different!" I can't help feeling like this may be some sort of "payback" from Chris's childhood, but then that doesn't seem fair because I'm the main one chasing after him. Oh well. I wouldn't trade my little mischievous boy for anything!

1 comment:

Robert said...

hmmm he reminds me of Rugrats. lol